Main Page

Revision as of 12:58, 6 November 2016 by Rka084 (talk | contribs)


This Wiki is meant as a tool for the students and staff working in our laboratories. The research groups that inhabit these laboratories are: Marine Developmental Biology (MDB), Molecular Ecology (MERG) and Integrative Fish Biology (IFB). MDB is part of Department of Biology. MERG and IFB are part of Uni Research.

Before you start working in our laboratories

No one is allowed to work in our laboratories until completing the The Laboratory Safety Introduction. This will be given to you by one of the lab supervisors. It is required that you sign that you have read, understood and agree to abide by our rules and regulations before starting any lab work. Please note that the lab supervisor has the authorization to expel you from the lab if you do not follow these rules.

All protocols need to undergo a risk assessment before being implemented in our laboratories. If it is deemed necessary after the risk assessment a work instruction for that particular protocol most be written that takes all measures to reduce any undesirable incidents regarding people, material, operations, reputation or the environment. Some areas in the lab require special training and authorization to work there. Strict protocols most be followed at all times in these areas.

Map of our facilities

  • Yellow areas - Marine developmental Biology (MDB)
  • Pink areas - Molecular Ecology (MERG) and Integrative Fish Biology (IFB)
  • Green areas - Common
  • Blue areas - Zebrafish facilities

Areas that require special authorization
